A family company driven by the sustainable growth of the forests and the industries
The great adventure begins in Gyé-sur-Seine (Eastern France)
The story begins in 1993 in a large forest area of Eastern France. Three brothers, Pierre, Jean and Philippe Soler-My, set up their first Carbonex charcoal production unit in the vicinity of a village called Gyé-sur-Seine (Eastern France). They soon realize, though, after an encouraging start, that this industrial sector is open to improvement: not only are local production methods small-scaled and somewhat outdated, but most of the charcoal consumed in France is imported from countries where salaries are derisory and environmental constraints, nonexistent.
A decisive move towards an industrial and sustainable technology
After having developed their activity in Brazil, the Soler-My brothers decide to design and build a new sustainable technology in France. The objective is to deliver big volumes with a high energy yield in a environmental-friendly way. After several years of research and development and significant investments, they have invented and perfected an ingenious and non-polluting exothermic manufacturing process: a biorefinery that transforms wood residues coming from local sustainably managed forests into biocarbon. Moreover, this production method enables the Group to supply with green electricity the equivalent of 5,000 households. In 2012, the SOLER Group’s biorefinery 1 is successfully implemented in Gyé-sur-Seine (Eastern France).
Thanks to the partnerships with foresters and the National Forests Office, we promote local development and an environmentally friendly energy transition.
A rapid growth since 2012
Seven years later, the family business takes a new step forward: it establishes its biorefinery 2 next to the first one, allowing 10,000 homes to benefit from the green energy generated by the new plant. Another production site is also built shortly afterwards at the Girondine de Carbonisation in Lacanau (Southwestern France). This biorefinery 3 supplies slightly less than 5,000 French households with renewable electricity. Production tools that did not exist anywhere else ten years earlier have now proven their efficiency, autonomy and sustainability.
A smooth-running ecosystem
Fully committed to a green and responsible economy, the SOLER Group buys each year several million euros worth of wood in Champagne-Ardenne, Burgundy and Nouvelle-Aquitaine thanks to partnerships with foresters and the National Forests Office, thus promoting local development and an environmentally friendly energy transition. Endorsing the ethic of a fair remuneration for all the players involved, the company embraces a sustainable and circular production model that preserves biodiversity, supports local industries, contributes to social cohesion and helps guarantee the best possible future for our planet.
The SOLER Group is ready to help industries to reach climate neutrality
After more than 10 years of experience in designing and installing unique and clean biorefineries, the SOLER Group is now able to help industries to achieve climate neutrality. Metallurgy, chemistry and renewable fuels, building materials, renewable energy and even agriculture… These are all sectors of activity that now need to find a sustainable alternative to reduce their carbon footprint. The SOLER Group’s approach focuses on the sustainable management of local forests and the production of biocarbon from biomass residues. As reducing agents, carbon sinks or raw materials for building materials with a negative carbon balance, SOLER Group products have a positive impact on our planet’s climate and create an effective synergy between industry and nature.