What is “biocoal”?

Biocoal is a renewable carbon, highly concentrated in carbon and therefore in energy. It can be used to replace fossil fuels in industries that need a fuel with a high energy density and that is not polluted (with sulphur, for example), and that cannot therefore be satisfied with replacing fossil fuels with “conventional” alternative fuels (biomass, CSR-type waste, etc.) or by electrifying their process.

Find more technical information about SOLER biocoal here: 

SOLER biocoal is a sustainable substitute for fossil fuels in hard-to-abate industrial processes.

A sustainable fuel that replaces non-renewable energy sources

The use of biocoal mixed with other low-energy-density alternative fuels can therefore enable industries to move away from fossil fuels to achieve carbon neutrality. Combined with BECCS (Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage) processes, this solution can even generate negative emissions.

SOLER biocoal, an alternative that adapts to industrial needs

Thanks to its unique innovative technology, SOLER produces a very stable quality biocoal, whose characteristics, such as granulometry and fixed carbon, can be adapted according to the needs of industries.

Proven reduction in fossil emissions (calculation based on application)

A exit strategy to fossil fuels for the heavy industry

SOLER Hard-to-abate industry

Cement manufactures, lime production, etc.

  • Renewable feedstock
  • Very stable quality
  • Adapted granulometry and fixed carbon
  • Reduction in fossil fuel emissions
  • Less pollutants
  • Negative emissions with BECCS

Thanks to its sustainable solutions, the SOLER Group offers real alternatives for managing the carbon footprint of many economic sectors, while protecting and developing forest resources.

Are you interested in learning more about our solutions?

If you are looking to discover more about SOLER Group products, our team will be happy to exchange with you directly. Contact our organization to get answers to all your questions.