Solutions for Nature
Innovative technologies for climate neutrality

Solutions for Nature
Innovative technologies for climate neutrality
Solutions for Climate Neutral Industries
At the forefront of technological innovation in its sector, the SOLER Group is a pioneer in the production of renewable carbon and a major player in the development of biorefineries. Our mission is to promote a climate neutral industry while fostering the growth and well-being of our forests.

Promoting nature positive value chains
The SOLER Group supports the integration of sustainable forest management with the sustainable production of critical materials such as metal, steel, concrete… By producing nature-based carbon from sustainable forests for industrial uses, the SOLER Group paves the way towards new sustainable value chains that are beneficial to both nature and industry.
Metallurgical operations’ climate neutrality is often considered difficult to reach. The SOLER Group actively works towards developing products for more sustainable metallurgy processes by tapping into the fields where limited alternatives exist. In doing so, the Group helps to set the stage for a faster transition towards a low-carbon economy.
Building materials
Reducing the greenhouse gas emissions within the building materials industry is a critical challenge for economies across the world. For example, the SOLER Group proposes a range of biocarbon products which can significantly reduce the clinker to cement ratio, supporting the cement production sector on its way to decarbonize its operations.
Discover our products
Biocarbon is defined as a carbon-rich solid product resulting from the pyrolysis conversion of wood residues or other biomass residues. Thanks to its high carbon concentration and stability, it offers a substantial emission reduction when used industrially.
By developing biocarbon, we open up towards new, sustainable value chains that are beneficial to both nature and industry.
Our biorefineries
We propose a global solution with our biorefineries with big capacities per unit, matching large industries’ needs for climate neutrality.
What makes us so unique?
- An industrial operating solution since 2012, with already 3 plants with a capacity of 50,000 TPA of biocarbon and an great track record
- An excellent and homogeneous quality of product, with the best yield on ressources in the industry, an excellent global energy efficiency and the best-in-class carbon footprint
- A proprietary and patented clean technology with no impact on the environment and a strong focus on sustainable forest management (labellised and audited by independent NGOs)